Saturday, April 19, 2008


What interests me? Technology and everything about it. I decided to do my daily thing as I usually do every night and Flickr through Flickr literally and find something that was kind of symbolic and reflective of my current mindset. I've been quite a avid fan of the Windows platform, ever since its early conception I have been engaged with it, learning about it and trying to master it. Recently however in the last few months, my consuming interest has been strayed away towards a switch. A switch that’s requires me to change my frame of reference, take myself out of my comfort zone, and re-immerse, coming out afresh and anew.

What is this switch...APPLE.

I've decided that in the next few months I will try the MAC XPerience! (Ha-ha, sorry i thought that was a bit clever). Anyhow this image kind of juxtaposes my mindset.

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